Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chicken Legs, Beer, Sex and The Church

I have a new friend. She feels like an old friend. (Love it when this happens) Last night we rocked on my porch and talked about sex, church, the exploitation of diamond miners(fascinating topic that will take the sparkle out of your diamond rather quickly), Little House on the Prairie, weiner dogs, and Thanksgiving plans. She drank a beer and I ate a chicken leg.

Our sex conversation went something like this:

The church (of the Judeo-Christian tradition) is silent on the topic of sexuality for single men and women. Well, they are not silent. They just say, "don't do it." Then most people who fit the category of being single and church going are pushed into a shameful lonely corner of publicly justifying their non married singledom as a cross to bare in the name of the Lord, while also pretending that they are not sexual creatures. Sucks. What to do with sexual urges or arousal? Silence. Masturbation? Silence (or condemnation). Is there a difference between promiscuity and premarital sex? Silence. And with silence comes shame and with shame comes loneliness. Loneliness in a world and community that worships a God who is not only all knowing but created male and female and their sexuality and called it GOOD.

I don't believe the church and its goers should have all the answers. But when the topic arises they should (at least) be as warm as a good friend, a rocking chair, a beer and a chicken leg. Just sayin'.