My friends from all stages of life would vouch that I am grannyish in my ways. My college roomates were so certain about this fact that they referred to me exclusively as Granny. I fall asleep early (and in mid sentence), I walk around the house wrapped in a blanket; even when its 90 degrees out, I worry about children and safety, I like to sip coffee and talk about life (preferably in a rocking chair on my porch), I never run out of words. I like to give unsolicited advice,and unfiltered commentaries on whatever or whomever I have an opinion, I am a terrible driver, I forget important facts and lose important things, I nap regularly and wake to the sound of a crowing chicken on a daily basis.
Granny, though, wasn’t my only name during college. In fact, I had a double name: Granny Bos. As in ,Granny Bosom Buddy. We, my friends, were bosom buddies. Still are. They know me well. They seem to think that I have a good bit in common with most people and should therefore write with and to and for the bosoms out there. So I am.
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